The effect of Un-learning context on organizational innovation with the mediating role of human capital effectiveness in Razi University
Subject Areas :
SHahin Behvar
nader naderi
1 - Razi University
2 - Razi University
Keywords: Un-learning context, Organizational Innovation, Human Capital Effectiveness, Third Generation University,
Abstract :
Purpose: Discarding outdated knowledge in the organization is very important to replace new knowledge and make changes in the organization and adapt the organization to the conditions of the day. For this purpose, in the present study, the effect of the Un-learning context of organizational innovation with the mediating role of human capital in Razi University was investigated. Methodology: In this study, standard questionnaires Un-learning, context desegregation, and human capital of Sagara-Navarro (2017) and Young and Ahmed Organizational Innovation Questionnaire (2004) were used. The study population of Razi University staff was 585 people and 230 people were selected as a sample using the Morgan table. In order to analyze the collected data by structural equation method and path analysis by partial least squares method in a software environment (PLS). Findings: show that the Un-learning context has a positive and significant effect on organizational innovation. Shows an organization with the role of human capital. Conclusion: In order to provide innovative services, university managers and staff should put aside their old knowledge and use new and updated knowledge. Therefore, adopting an innovative approach in universities leads to improving the competencies of human resources, science, and technology. This effect will eventually lead to an improvement in the economic situation and a step towards changing the university's approach towards a third-generation university and an entrepreneur.
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