Applying a Meta-Synthesis Qualitative Approach to Provide a Model of Unlearning Outcomes in the Organization
Subject Areas :
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Keywords: Unlearning- consequences- meta synthesis,
Abstract :
Organizational learning and unlearning have attracted the attention of many researchers and this has become an important element of innovation and processes of sustainable individual and organizational change. This study aims to identify the consequences of organizational unlearning using the meta-synthesis method. In line with this method, after filtering the articles, finally, 40 researches that directly dealt with the implications of organizational unlearning implications entered the analysis stage in Maxqda software. After the integration step, 28 distinct codes were identified, and among the identified codes were; Outputs of innovation with 6 references, unlearning and organizational flexibility with 4 references, and radical innovation and overall performance with 3 references had the highest number of references in research texts, respectively. At higher levels of abstraction, codes were categorized into 11 concepts and finally into 6 categories (innovative capabilities, competitive value chain promotion, organizational entrepreneurship, organizational agility and transformation, participatory knowledge management, and human resource empowerment).
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