Factors Affecting Knowledge Management in Organizations: A Systematic Review with Meta-Synthesis
Subject Areas :
Name Name
Sara Shafiei Baghbadrani
1 - Associate Professor of Educational Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - Master's degree in Educational Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Organization, Systematic Review, Meta-Synthesis,
Abstract :
Today, the importance of knowledge management has been established for most organizations worldwide. Organizations strive to consider and implement the best factors to execute this crucial process in a better and more efficient manner. Given that a large volume of domestic and international articles has focused on identifying and examining these factors, the aim of this research is to identify and examine the factors affecting knowledge management in organizations. To this end, the study employed the qualitative method of integrative systematic review with meta-synthesis, and the seven-stage process of Sandelowski and Barroso was used for analyzing the study resources. In order to find the relevant articles, searches were conducted in domestic and international databases such as SID, Noormags, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Eric. Ultimately, 30 articles were selected for review, and the received data were analyzed. The result of this analysis was the extraction of 6 core categories, 18 main categories, and 148 sub-categories, including Human Resources (self-development and distinctive features of human resources); Organizational Processes (financial functions and knowledge management processes); Organizational Factors (organizational culture, information technology, organizational structure, and management); Human Capital Development (human resource development by the organization, motivation and encouragement, efficient recruitment, training, monitoring and control, and research and studies); Regulations and Organizational Vision (organizational bylaws and organizational strategies); and External Factors (political pressure and economic pressure). The findings of this research can serve as a suitable guide for .organizational stakeholders who place special importance on achieving knowledge management within organizations.
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