Typology of Workplace Learning Cultures in Iranian Organizations
Subject Areas :
Saeid Safaei Movahhed
Mohammad Hajizad
1 - HRD Advisor National Iranian Oil Company(NIOC)
2 -
Keywords: workplace learningwrkplace learning culture,
Abstract :
This study aimed at identifying learning cultures in various workplaces through an emergent grounded theory study. To gather data, in-depth interviews were conducted on 98 employees of small to large companies to reach a vast breadth and depth of data. For purpose of inclusiveness, a maximum variation strategy was adopted for sampling to select participants purposively from manufacturing, business and service companies. The data were thematically analyzed at two levels, namely initial and secondary coding. To establish credibility, two dominant strategies were continuously used as member check and peer debriefing and external auditing. Consequently, a tripartite typology emerged to represent learning culture in various enterprises based on three criteria: management approach, peers' reaction, promotion expectancy. To sum up, in a malignant learning culture, bad working habits are learned and shared by staff, and commitment to work is gradually minimized to its lowest possible point. In a deterministic learning culture, a neutral learning climate dominates the workplace as staffs perceive no link between self-development and job promotion. Finally, in a demanding learning culture, people may clearly view the sensible link between competency development and job promotion, so they try their utmost to keep up with the latest developments in their field to avert the risk of demotion or job loss. The study suggests that if enterprises plan to achieve and keep a competitive edge, they should focus firmly on creating a demanding workplace learning culture.
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